January 16, 2024

Rep. Morgan McGarvey Leads Colleagues in Calling on Secretary Mayorkas to Support Cuban Nationals in the United States

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 16, 2023) – Last week, Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03), Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27), and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (FL-25) sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas urging him to grant “Parole in Place” status to any Cuban issued an I-220A form, which would allow them to remain in the United States and apply for residency. 

“We write to request that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issue a ‘Parole in Place’ (PIP) to all Cuban arrivals to the United States who have received an I-220A form,” they wrote. “This action – which DHS has full authority to take – will allow these Cubans to be eligible for adjustment of status under the Cuban Adjustment Act. These individuals deserve clarity, dignity, and a fair opportunity to remain in the United States. On behalf of the thousands of Cubans in our communities, and those across the United States, we urge full and swift relief for these individuals.”

The full text of the letter can be found below in both English and Spanish:

We write to request that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issue a “Parole in Place” (PIP) to all Cuban arrivals to the United States who have received an I-220A form. This action – which DHS has full authority to take – will allow these Cubans to be eligible for adjustment of status under the Cuban Adjustment Act. These individuals deserve clarity, dignity, and a fair opportunity to remain in the United States. 

Cubans and Cuban-Americans have long contributed to the beautiful tapestry of this country. They are our neighbors, our family members, and the kind faces we see in our towns and communities. But, regardless of their additions to our union, they are people and they deserve their rights to be respected. Upholding that humanity includes ensuring that these individuals are not left in a legal quagmire that denies them the opportunities available to them through the Cuban Adjustment Act. 

As you know, the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 created a path to permanent residency for Cuban nationals who emigrate from Cuba to the United States. However, recent policy changes and court rulings have sowed confusion and unfairly deprived many Cuban emigres of documented immigration to and residency in this country. Cubans who recently entered the United States and were issued an “order of release on recognizance,” or an I-220A, are denied the ability to “adjust their status” and apply for green cards or residency status. 

Border agents at our ports of entry are using discretion to issue I-220A forms to arriving individuals, even though they also have the authority to grant humanitarian parole. The affected Cuban emigres we’ve spoken with allege that I-220A forms and humanitarian parole are issued arbitrarily, with some family members receiving I-220A and other family members receiving humanitarian parole. Regardless, the issuance of I-220A throws Cuban arrivals into legal uncertainty and prevents them from full integration into life in the United States. Many live in a state of constant worry given the unpredictable nature of their legal status and permanency in the country. They fear reprisals if they return to Cuba. 

DHS has the authority to correct this situation. We respectfully request that DHS issue a “Parole in Place” to the affected Cubans who were issued an I-220A form. This will make affected Cubans eligible to apply for permanent residency, as hundreds of thousands of Cubans have done for decades, under the Cuban Adjustment Act. This PIP should come with all deliberate speed. On behalf of the thousands of Cubans in our communities, and those across the United States, we urge full and swift relief for these individuals. 

Spanish translation:

Escribimos para solicitar que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) emita un "Parole in Place" (PIP) a todos los cubanos llegados a los Estados Unidos que hayan recibido un formulario I-220A. Esta acción - cuyo DHS tiene plena autoridad para tomar - permitirá a estos cubanos ser elegibles para el ajuste de estatus bajo la Ley de Ajuste Cubano. Estos individuos necesitan claridad, dignidad y una oportunidad justa para permanecer en los Estados Unidos.

Durante mucho tiempo han contribuido los cubanos y cubano-americanos al hermoso tapiz de este país. Son nuestros vecinos, nuestros familiares y los rostros amables que vemos en nuestros pueblos y comunidades. Sin embargo, , independientemente de sus contribuciones a nuestro país, son personas y merecen que se respeten sus derechos. Defender esa humanidad incluye garantizar que no se queden en un atolladero legal que les niegue las oportunidades que les ofrece la Ley de Ajuste Cubano.

Como usted sabe, la Ley de Ajuste Cubano  del 1966 creó un camino hacia la residencia permanente para los cubanos que emigran de Cuba a los Estados Unidos. Lamentablemente, recientes cambios de política y decisiones judiciales han generado confusión y han impedido injustamente a muchos emigrantes cubanos la inmigración documentada y la residencia en este país. A los cubanos que han entrado recientemente en Estados Unidos y han recibido una "orden de libertad bajo fianza", o una I-220A, se les niega la posibilidad de "ajustar su estatus" y solicitar la residencia permanente.

Los agentes fronterizos en nuestros puertos de entrada están utilizando la discreción para emitir formularios I-220A a las personas que llegan, a pesar de que también tienen la autoridad para conceder “parole” condicional humanitaria. Los afectados con quienes hemos hablado alegan que los formularios I-220A y “parole” condicional humanitaria se emiten arbitrariamente, ya que algunos miembros de la familia reciben I-220A y otros miembros de la misma familia reciben "parole". En cualquier caso, la emisión del I-220A suma a los cubanos que llegan ala inseguridad jurídica y les impide integrarse plenamente en la vida en Estados Unidos. Muchos viven en un estado de preocupación constante debido a lo impredecible de su estatus legal y su permanencia en el país. Temen represalias si regresan a Cuba.

El DHS tiene la autoridad para remediar esta situación. Respetuosamente, solicitamos que el DHS emita un "Parole in Place" a los cubanos afectados a quienes se les ha otorgado un formulario I-220A. La implementación de esta medida permitirá que  los cubanos afectados sean elegibles para solicitar la residencia permanente, tal como cientos de miles de cubanos han hecho durante décadas, en virtud de la Ley de Ajuste Cubano. Este PIP debe venir con toda rapidez. En nombre de los miles de cubanos que residen en nuestras comunidades, y  en todos los Estados Unidos, instamos  un alivio exhaustivo y rápido para estas personas. 
