January 12, 2024

Transcript of Congressman Morgan McGarvey’s Floor Speech Supporting Cuban Nationals in The United States

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 12, 2023) – Today, Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03) spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of Cuban nationals in the United States. Congressman McGarvey is leading a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas urging him to grant “Parole in Place” status to any Cuban issued an I-220A form, which would allow them to remain in the United States and apply for residency. 

A transcript of Congressman McGarvey’s remarks in English and Spanish is below, and a video of the remarks can be found here

“My hometown of Louisville is the fastest-growing Cuban community in the entire US. Fourteen thousand Cubans have arrived in our city in just the last two years, enriching our social fabric by building families, contributing to our economy, and adding pasteles and cafecito to our menus. 

“The Cuban Adjustment Act creates a clear pathway to residency for Cuban nationals who immigrate to the United States, but court rulings threaten the ability of Cubans recently issued an I-220A form to remain in the US. This is wrong — it robs Cubans of the rights guaranteed them by the Cuban Adjustment Act. No one should have to live in this legal limbo, including the thousands of individuals who live in my district. 

“Today, I’m sending a letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas urging him to correct this situation by granting “Parole in Place” status to any Cuban issued an I-220A. I know he is committed to ensuring no one is wrongly or arbitrarily removed from our country, and I will continue to work with him and my colleagues here until this is fixed.”

“Mi ciudad de residencia, Louisville, tiene la población cubana de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos. Catorce mil cubanos han llegado a nuestra ciudad en los últimos dos años, mejorando nuestra comunidad, construyendo familias, ayudando a la economía, y agregando pasteles y cafecitos a nuestros menús. 

“La Cuban Adjustment Act establece un camino claro hacia la residencia para aquellos cubanos que emigran a los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, los fallos judiciales obstaculizan la capacidad de los cubanos recientemente emitidos un Formulario I-220A para permanecer en los Estados Unidos. Esto está mal —les roba a los cubanos los derechos que les garantiza la Cuban Adjustment Act. Nadie debería tener que vivir en este limbo legal, incluidos los miles de individuos que viven en mi distrito.

“Voy a enviar una carta hoy al Secretario Mayorkas solicitando que se corrija esta situación concediendo el estatus de "Parole in Place" a cualquier cubano al que se le expida un I-220A. Sé que se ha comprometido a asegurar que nadie sea expulsado de nuestro país de manera errónea o arbitraria, y seguiré trabajando con él y con mis colegas hasta que esto se pueda solucionar.”
