Art Competition
Each spring, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Congressional Institute sponsor a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. More than 650,000 high school students have participated since the Artistic Discovery competition began in 1982.
Students submit entries to their representative’s office and each district selects the winning entries. Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, DC. The winning works are displayed for one year at the U.S. Capitol.
Congressman McGarvey is now accepting submissions for the 2025 Congressional Art Competition. The deadline to submit your artwork is April 22, 2025.
The competition is open to high school students. Artwork must be the creation a single student. Students may not collaborate on an entry.
Artwork must be two-dimensional. Each framed artwork can be no larger than 26 inches high, 26 inches wide, and 4 inches deep. If your artwork is selected as the winning piece, it must arrive in Washington, DC, framed. Even when framed, it must still measure no larger than the above maximum dimensions. No framed piece should weigh more than 15 pounds.
Accepted mediums for the two-dimensional artwork are as follows:
- Paintings: oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc.
- Drawings: colored pencil, pencil, ink, marker, pastels, charcoal (It is recommended that charcoal and pastel drawings be fixed.)
- Collages: must be two dimensional
- Prints: lithographs, silkscreen, block prints
- Mixed Media: use of more than two mediums such as pencil, ink, watercolor, etc.
- Computer-generated art
- Photographs
Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution and may not violate U.S. copyright laws. Any entry that has been copied from an existing photo or image (including a painting, graphic, or advertisement) that was created by someone other than the student is a violation of the competition rules and will not be accepted. For more information on copyright laws, we recommend you visit the Scholastic Website.
Work entered must be in the original medium (that is, not a scanned reproduction of a painting or drawing). Artwork will hang in the Cannon Tunnel for the duration of the exhibition. Students should only submit artwork they will not need for other purposes.
Artwork must adhere to the policy of the House Office Building Commission (the Commission). In accordance with this policy, exhibits depicting subjects of contemporary political controversy, or a sensationalistic or gruesome nature are not allowed. Each Member of Congress will be required to submit a Letter of Support confirming that the Member has determined that the winning artwork adheres to the Commission’s policy. However, if another Member of Congress requests review of any artwork for compliance with the Commission’s policy, the final decision regarding the artwork’s suitability for display will be made by the Commission. While it is not the intent to censor any artwork, we do wish to avoid artwork that is potentially inappropriate for display in this highly travelled area leading to the Capitol.
The Third District's 2025 Congressional Art Competition winners will be decided by public voting on our online portal, as well as a panel of judges. The link to vote will be available on our website from April 23rd - 30th. One entry will be chosen as the winner of the 2025 Congressional Art Competition, and a runner-up will be selected as the Community Choice Award winner. Winners will be notified by May 1st.
The winning submission from the Third District will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year alongside artwork from every Congressional District across the nation. The Community Choice winner will have their work displayed in my Congressional office and in my Congressional Art Competition Virtual Gallery.
- Submission form opens: March 20th
- Deadline for submissions: April 22nd by 11:59 PM
- Public online voting portal opens: April 23rd
- Public online voting portal closes: April 30th at Noon
- Overall and Community Award winners notified: May 2nd
- Louisville award ceremony for both winners: May 13th
- Washington D.C. award ceremony (Overall Winner only): June 11th
- (Winner and ONE GUEST may attend the national celebration. Roundtrip airfare for two provided by Southwest Airlines. Winner is responsible for hotel accommodations and all D.C. related expenses such as cars, taxis, meals, etc.)
- Review the 2025 Rules for Students and Teachers.
- Complete the 2025 Student Release Form.
- Submit the Student Release Form and 2025 Art Competition Submission Form.
Please contact with any questions.