February 01, 2024

Transcript of Congressman Morgan McGarvey’s Floor Speech Commemorating 25 Years of Louisville’s Fairness Ordinance

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 01, 2024) – Today, Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03) spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Louisville’s Fairness Ordinance. 

A transcript of Congressman McGarvey’s remarks is below, and a video of the remarks can be found here

“I rise to commemorate 25 years of Fairness in my hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. When I was a kid, it wasn’t uncommon for someone to be fired just for being gay. Or kicked out of their home, or denied service in a store or restaurant. 

“We don’t know how common it was because there was no official body to report it — because it was completely legal. It’s painful to think about. 

“Fortunately, 25 years ago this week, a citizen-led effort in Louisville resulted in Kentucky’s first Fairness Ordinance — one of the first in the nation — banning discrimination against our LGBTQ+ neighbors.

“Thank you to everyone who courageously fought for this life-changing achievement way back in 1999. Today, 24 Kentucky communities and 31 states have these protections.

“It’s time for the rest of our Commonwealth and country to follow Louisville’s lead.

“For my entire adult life, Fairness has been a reality in Louisville, and we are all better for it.”
