June 05, 2024

Congressman Morgan McGarvey Introduces Bill to Combat Republican Attacks on the Wellbeing of Appalachian Communities

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 5, 2024) – Today, Congressman McGarvey (KY-03) and House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) introduced H.R. 8614. This bill would authorize the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to study how surface coal mining affects human health in Central Appalachia. The study will examine how proximity to coal mining operations increases health risks in surrounding communities.

“Appalachian communities have powered America for centuries. The people of Kentucky paid for the last energy revolution with the majesty of our mountains and the lives of our miners, and today, we live with the consequences,” said Rep. McGarvey. “It’s long past time that the federal government steps up to help people in Kentucky and the rest of Appalachia — not fossil fuel executives. I’m grateful to partner with Ranking Member Grijalva to advocate for more transparency and clarity in these industries.”

“Appalachian communities have long deserved a full, comprehensive accounting of the ways that the coal mining industry has harmed their health, from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases to cancer,” said Ranking Member Grijalva. “The Trump administration denied these communities of their right to know when it sided with industry executives and its own political agenda to stop a million-dollar public health study short in its path. I want to thank Congressman McGarvey for his commitment to supporting the people of Appalachia by working to ensure they finally get the accountability they are due.”

A similar study was previously authorized during the Obama administration, but the Trump administration halted the study prior to its publication. This bill would reauthorize the study and publicize the results to show how harmful surface coal mining can be to Appalachian communities. 

The full bill text can be found here
