October 13, 2023

Congressman McGarvey's Statement on the Ongoing Violence in Israel

WASHINGTON, DC (October 13, 2023) — Today, Congressman McGarvey released the following statement regarding the ongoing violence in Israel:

“I continue to be horrified by the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th, and I condemn them in no uncertain terms. Israel has a right to exist and to defend itself, and as the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress work to understand Israel’s needs, I pledge my support for humanitarian and military aid to Israel and her people. I too offer my moral support and prayers.

“In all times, including times of war, we must hold human life sacred and protect it. In war, this is especially true of civilian life. Hamas’ brutal and indiscriminate violence reveals the contempt with which they hold the very existence of Jews and the people of Israel. But their actions, and the response they knew they would trigger, demonstrate also how little they care for the lives of the millions of Palestinian civilians trapped in the Gaza Strip, for whom they claim they fight.

“As democracies and countries that strive always to hold the moral high ground and serve as models for right in the world, the response of Israel and the United States to these attacks must prioritize the safety and wellbeing of civilians. I echo President Biden in calling on Israel to abide by the rules and conventions of war as they work to eradicate the Hamas scourge from Gaza and the Middle East. I am encouraged by our countries’ coordination on humanitarian response with the United Nations and neighbors in the region, who likewise bear a responsibility to help.”