September 25, 2024

Congressman Morgan McGarvey’s Statement on Voting to Avoid Yet Another Republican-Led Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 25, 2024) – Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03) released the following statement following his vote in favor of a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the government until December 20, 2024, averting a government shutdown:

“Today, I joined House Democrats to once again prevent MAGA extremists from senselessly causing chaos and shutting down the government—a move that will ultimately cost the government money.

I am glad we were able to pass a short-term continuing resolution without any poison pills, but we shouldn’t have to fight tooth and nail to do the bare minimum of our job. The bar could not be lower at this point, and somehow this is the norm?

Pushing ourselves to the brink of a government shutdown over and over, only to kick the can down the road yet again, is not good governing. It creates unnecessary uncertainty for our government and American families, and frankly—it’s giving us all whiplash.

When we come back in November, let’s put our differences aside and come to the table in good faith to debate and pass a good, comprehensive budget.”

The continuing resolution passed with a final vote of 341-82, receiving unanimous support from Democrats and 82 Republicans voting against it. If the bill is not passed by both chambers and signed into law by President Biden, government funding will expire at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1. 
