September 18, 2024

Congressman Morgan McGarvey Slams Republican Majority’s Inability to Fund Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 18, 2024) – Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03) released the following statement following his vote against a continuing resolution (CR) that would fund the government at insufficient levels for six months and includes the SAVE Act, one of the most extreme and restrictive elections bills ever considered in the House of Representatives:
“This is not a serious bill, it’s political theater.
Republicans say they’re the party of fiscal responsibility, but for the second year in a row, they’ve failed to pass a budget on time.
In kicking the can down the road once again, House Republicans are hurting our national security, veterans, seniors, low-income families, small businesses, and more.
The House Majority claims to back our veterans, but the funding levels they presented mean our troops don’t get a raise and veterans don’t get the care they need.
House Republicans say they want all eligible voters to be able to vote, but they’re tying government funding to the most extreme and restrictive election bill in history—a dead-on-arrival bill intended to prevent something that is already illegal.
It’s unserious and it’s a waste of time. We should be working to pass a budget that addresses the current needs of our country.
I voted no.”
The continuing resolution failed 202-220, with 206 Democrats and 14 Republicans voting against it. If no budget or continuing resolution is passed by both chambers and signed into law by September 30, the government will shut down. 