October 06, 2023

Congressman Morgan McGarvey’s Statement on Voting to Avoid a Republican Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 30, 2023) – Congressman Morgan McGarvey (KY-03) released the following statement after voting for a 45-day continuing resolution to keep the government open at current spending levels. The continuing resolution avoids a catastrophic, Republican-caused shutdown and allows Congress to continue negotiating a funding agreement for fiscal year 2024.

“I came to Washington to stand up and fight for our community while working to get things done,” said Rep. McGarvey. “Today, I did just that, joining House Democrats to keep our government open — paying our troops, keeping nutrition benefits for moms and babies, and providing vital services — despite the best efforts of extremist republicans to shut it all down. But our work is not over. Ninety-one MAGA Republicans proved today they prefer performative politics and pain over progress and people. This funding expires in 45 days and I will continue doing all I can to make sure we do our job as legislators, to fund our government and take care of the needs of our community and our country.”  

The continuing resolution now moves to the Senate. Funding for the government will run out at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday, October 1, if not passed by both chambers and signed into law by the President.


Congressman Morgan McGarvey represents Kentucky’s Third Congressional District, including Louisville and Jefferson County. He serves on the House Veterans Affairs and House Small Business Committees.